GEZE IBERIA, S.L.U., who is responsible for this website (THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY), makes this document available to users of its website in order to fulfil the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, of 11 July 2002 – known as the "Law of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce" (LSSICE), published in Volume 166 of the Official State Gazette (BOE) – and to inform users of the site of its terms of use.

Anyone who visits the site shall be considered a user of the site and is obligated to accept and strictly abide by the provisions enumerated below as well as with any other applicable laws and regulations.

GEZE IBERIA, S.L.U. reserves the right to modify or to amend any of the information or material which appears on the website without forewarning and has no obligation to inform users of said changes. Its duty is merely to post these changes on the GEZE IBERIA, S.R.L.U. website.


Domain name:
Sales name: GEZE
Company name: GEZE IBERIA, S.L.U. Tax Identification Number (NIF): B62645080
Business address: Andorra, 24, 8830 SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT, Spain
Phone: +34-936-327-430 ext.117
Mercantile Register entry:
Barcelona, Volume 33961, Page No. 210, B-237075

Sole administrator: Thomas Eireiner
Legal representatives: Birgit Zondler, Mercedes Martínez, Sebastian Bonillo


THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY owns, licenses, or is expressly authorized to use the content found on this website. This includes – but is not limited to – its programming, editing, composition, and any other element required for its operation; any layout and design thereof; and any logos, texts and/or graphics contained therein. All of the content on this website is adequately protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property and has been entered into the pertinent public registers.

Partially or wholly reproducing, modifying, operating, distributing or using for commercial purposes any of the content on the site without express written permission by THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorised use shall be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual and industrial property rights.

The layout and design thereof; as well as any logos, texts and/or graphics not belonging THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY which may appear on the website are the property of their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any related dispute that may arise. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY expressly authorizes third parties to redirect web traffic to specific content on the website. In any case, they may redirect to the homepage.

THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY acknowledges that intellectual and industrial property rights belong to those third parties who hold them legally. We are not responsible for protecting those rights and the mere mention or appearance of third party property on the website does not constitute or imply an any form of support, endorsement, or recommendation.

If you wish to comment regarding possible intellectual or industrial property rights breaches, or to comment on website content, please contact us by email at


THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY shall not be liable for the content or accuracy of any material posted its site, provided any such information had been modified or introduced by a third party.

Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies (small files placed on the computer of users accessing the site by our servers) in order to carry out certain functions considered essential for to function and be visualized properly. Cookies used by this site are temporary. They are used solely to enhance browsing activity and expire when a user’s session is finished. In no way do these cookies provide us with users’ personal data nor will they be used to collect personal data.

Furthermore, the use of cookies enables the server hosting this website to recognise which browser visitors use for the purpose of improving the browsing experience. For example, cookies allow users to authenticate themselves on subsequent visits or to gain access to services, special offers or exclusive contests without having to sign in every time they visit the site. They are also used to measure audience size, track traffic flow, manage user progress and keep count of visits, etc... Cookies used for the above mentioned functions are not strictly necessary for the operation of the site but rather enhance user experience. This website will not store any cookies that are not strictly necessary without the user’s prior consent.

Users have the opportunity to configure their browser settings to notify them when a cookie is sent to their computer as well as to block cookies from being stored. Please consult your browser’s help function to find more detailed information.

Links and Third Party Websites
Through this website you are able to link to, and may be redirected to, other websites operated by third parties. Content offered by third parties on their respective websites is beyond THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY’s control. Consequently, it does not assume responsibility in any way for content of those sites. Notwithstanding, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY will immediately act to take down any content which constitutes a violation of national or international law, moral standards, or public order by removing the redirecting link to said website and will inform the relevant authorities of the content in question.

THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY is not liable for the information and content stored on its site by third parties. This includes – but is not limited to – forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks, or any other medium which allows third parties to publish content on THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY’s website independently. In compliance with the provisions of articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY will nevertheless actively assist any users, authorities, and/or security forces to remove or block any content which may conflict with or violate national or international law, the rights of third parties, moral standards, or public order. Should site users suspect that any of the content on the website is subject to the criteria listed above, we ask that they notify the site administrator immediately.

This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure that it is in good working order. We strive to guarantee functionality 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY does not rule out the possibility of programming errors nor that some force majeure, natural catastrophe, work stoppage or similar circumstance may occur, thereby disrupting access to the website.

IP Addresses
Servers hosting the website can detect a user’s IP address and domain name automatically. An IP address is an identifying number that is automatically assigned every time a computer connects to the internet. This information is recorded in a user activity file on a duly registered server. These files are later used to generate purely statistical data such as page views, number and order of visits to sites hosted on the server, access points, etc...


The resolution of any disputes related to this website or to its use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law. Each of the parties expressly agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of Spanish law and to resolve any and all conflicts arising from or relating to use of the site in legal proceedings conducted in the appropriate court or tribunal closest to SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT, Spain.



Andrea-Alexandra Alber
Sandra Daniela Alber
Tomislav Jagar

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Thomas Keller

Register Court Local Court Stuttgart HRB 250329
VAT ID: DE 184430446

Head office, administration, consulting and technology centre

Reinhold-Vöster-Str. 21-29
71229 Leonberg

Telephone: +49-7152-2030
Fax: +49-7152-2033-10
